RTR 4151 - Hits of '58 - Magic Moments and Million Sellers

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Here are 32 ‘magic moments’ of 1958, each one an instant time capsule evoking the bygone era of half a century ago. This was the time of the Cold War, Castro and Che Guevara were fighting the Cuban revolution, Iraq suffered a military coup and De Gaulle returned to become president of France. Out in space Sputniks circled the earth, while in the skies the Boeing 707 went into service, competing with the transatlantic comets. Sadly one plane that did not make it killed many of Manchester United’s “Busby Babes” in snowy Munich. In the cinema The Bridge on The River Kwai won four Oscars, in literature Boris Pasternak wrote Doctor Zhivago and Truman Capote Breakfast at Tiffany’s. In pop music Rock ‘n’ Roll was sweeping all before it so sit back and listen to the best and let Elvis, Ricky, Jerry Lee, Buddy and co. recapture your youth and let them whisk you back to 1958.

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Label: Retrospective
Copyright: 2009 Wyastone Estate Limited.
Catalogue number: RTR 4151
UPC/EAN: 710357415128
Format: CD
Analogue / Digital recording: ADD
Number of discs: 1
Total playing time: 79.28
Price: £ 6.99 (+ postage & packing)